The Games Barn
New for 2024 we've added our games barn, located at the bottom of the field and filled with games it provides the perfect space for rainy day fun. Handcrafted by dad there's a mini bowling alley, chess, giant Jenga and a chalk board to keep a tally on who's in the lead! There's also a pool table and table tennis. In the corner there's a wooden tipi and toy kitchen for the little ones to enjoy.
This is a communal space for all on site to enjoy open 9:00am to 9:00pm, so please leave it as you find it, always accompany children and dispose of any rubbish. CCTV is in operation in this area.

Den Building

Just outside the games barn is a den building area with a pre built wooden frame and a variety of branches and sticks to build your own den.
On Site
Meet The Animals
Koby & Sugar
Koby and Sugar where the first to join our Bramble Hill gang. They are retired beach donkeys who came to live with us after pinching too many ice creams and misbehaving. They love a stroke and lots of fuss. Their favourite foods are carrots, parsnips and bananas and you're welcome to feed them as long as you don't enter or lean over into their paddock, you keep your hand flat, you only give them one a day and watch your fingers as they may bite. Please always remember to wash your hands after coming into contact with them.